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Dear Santa Cruz Voter,

Just over 17 years ago, my family made Santa Cruz our home. Drawn to its rugged coastline, progressive values, and the offer of a UCSC position for my husband, we could not envision a more perfect place to raise our young children. We immediately enrolled our two-year-old daughter in a local cooperative preschool filled with young families who cared deeply for each other. Just over 17 years ago, Santa Cruz gave our family a community.


Over the last 17 years, I have learned that community is not simply a place, a home, or even an identity. Community means having shared needs. Community involves shared resources. Community encompasses shared culture. Community inspires collective action towards good. 


I believe local government can help shape, and invest in, a vibrant community for all of its residents. I’m running for City Council because we are a wonderful community but we can do a lot more together. I’d be honored if you’d join me in my commitment to Santa Cruz with your vote on March 5, 2024.


With appreciation,

Susie O’Hara

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District 5 Neighborhoods

District 5 is generally made up of the following neighborhoods:


  • El Rio Mobile Home Cooperative

  • The Tannery

  • River St

  • Elks Lodge/Tanner Heights

  • Harvey West

  • Holy Cross/Mission Hill

  • Pacific Condos

  • Upper Spring/Above Highland

  • Lower Spring/Below Highland

  • Quarry

  • Hagar Ct (UCSC staff and faculty)

  • Stevenson, Cowell, Merrill, Crown, College 9, John R. Lewis, Porter, and Kresge Dorms 

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